Chris Cox Originals

Saint Lucia Forestry Stories: Paul Butler “Environmental Education & the Forestry Division – The early days…”

Paul Butler Conservation Advisor, mid-1978 through December 1987. Saint Lucia Forestry Department

Contributed by Paul Butler, April 2020

In the late 1970’s the Saint Lucia Forestry Division was housed in a tiny office downstairs in the Ministry of Agriculture building in Castries. Its Forestry Supervisor, Gabriel Charles, had an even smaller back office. Upstairs was the Fisheries Division and next door was Consumer Price Control (a department of the Ministry of Trade).  Forestry Staff were considered by much of the public to be simply Policemen of the Forest.  Legislation was outdated, (The Wild Bird Protection Ordinance dated back to 1885); public knowledge and concern about the environment was virtually non-existent and island endemics like the Saint Lucia Parrot were in perilous decline. Environmentalists could be counted on one hand with people like Gabriel Charles, Robert Devaux, Gregor Williams, Jo Rickards, Maria Grech, and Jim Sparks being at the forefront. At the time the Forestry Division’s principal mandate was to manage the island’s Central Forest Reserve, to harvest timber and reforest with non-native species like Blue Mahoe, Caribbean Pine and Honduras Mahogany.

By the late 1970’s Gabriel Charles was determined to expand the Division’s mandate and to launch an environmental education campaign. This he did with his staff including Michael Bobb, Michael ‘Jahba’ Andrew, Alexander Forde, Winston Desir, Adams Toussaint, Peter Vidal, Sonny Felix, Felix James, Lawrence Antoine, Noel Theodore, Robert Gregg, Vincent ‘Style’ Ernest, Gloria Motley, Patrick ‘Ima’ Charles and many others. I had the privilege of joining the division in 1978 as its Conservation Advisor, after having spent six weeks on the island back in 1977 as part of a North East London Polytechnic research expedition studying the Saint Lucia Parrot (Jacquot) and making recommendations for its conservation. The World Wildlife Fund also joined forces to assist with conservation of the parrot in those days.

The objective of the outreach campaign was to build an island wide awareness of the forest and its importance not just for timber but also as a habitat for wildlife and a source of water. Water that was critical not only for domestic use but for agriculture too — including for the banana industry which was then in its heyday. Indeed, it was the banana industry that was partially responsible for the rampant deforestation that was occurring at the time as small-scale farmers cleared the steep slopes of the interior to plant “green gold”. Forest clearing resulted in rivers drying during the dry season and floods in the wet. Siltation carried valuable topsoil away and exacerbated the reduced water flow. There was no major water storage reservoir to meet the island’s needs, so the forest’s role in water regulation was critical.

Jacquot would become the voice of the outreach program which resulted in a new-found pride in the environment and the declaration of the parrot as Saint Lucia’s National Bird. Subsequently a public vote was held to select the National Tree (Calabash) and Flower (Rose and Marguerite). The education campaign was multi-faceted and targeted kids, the wider public and decision makers. It included posters, billboards, bumper stickers and radio programs; as well as school visits complete with costumes and puppets. Religious leaders and musicians were brought in to assist – Frank Norville, a famous national folk singer wrote a catchy song (Amazona versicolor, de National Bird of Saint Lucia) that was taught to children across the island. US Peace Corps volunteers like David Whitman and other overseas volunteers like Charlene Easton provided support. The latter helping with a comic known as “Jacquot”.

Watch Frank Norville sing the ‘Amazona versicolor‘ song, in an excerpt from the film Caribbean Cool Part1 Part 2 with Lou Gossett Jr., (1991) produced by the National Audubon Society

One of the main outreach tools utilized was a monthly publication called Bush Talk. This covered a different topic every month, from forests to wildlife, folklore to food, the island’s towns and cities to its rivers and climate. It ran for at least three years. Written by Maria Grech and illustrated by Alwyn St. Omer, Christopher Cox and others, it was sponsored by Ferrel ‘Bam’ Charles and Cornell “Baby” Charles of J.Q. Charles Ltd, a prominent local retail company. The four-page newssheet would appear monthly in the Voice Newspaper courtesy of Guy Meyers (now Saint Lucia’s Ambassador to the UK). Copies were also mailed out to schools around the island. If I recall, Angel & Gloria Motley, Diane Spencer and others helped to roll up and mail packages of Bush Talk.

The Jacquot Says… billboard that stood outside the Government Buildings was also a popular outreach tool. Depicting a “talking” parrot it dispensed monthly pronouncements to draw attention to the environment: “Help preserve a beautiful scene, Keep Saint Lucia nice and clean” and, “Water: For a clean and regular supply, On the Forest we must rely.” During one particularly volatile election when political slogans were dubbed everywhere, the Jacquot Says billboard remained unscathed until the very last minute.  Then, on the eve of the election someone added a minor amendment to the board’s message – for under the words “Jacquot Says…” they had very carefully pasted a piece of paper that read: “Vote UWP.”

As the 1980’s progressed new faces joined the Forestry Division and rallied to the conservation cause. Christopher Cox joined straight from school and his artistic talents were quickly brought to bear. He painted posters and his artwork adorned T-shirts that were sold to locals and tourists alike to raise money for our cause. Others like Christina Plante, Margaret Ishmael, Cassian Henry and Lyndon John guided tours through the forest bringing people and nature together for their mutual benefit, as well as also raising much needed funds; while Alleyne Regis and Anita James renewed the school’s program. Others like Donald Anthony, Monica Bodley, George Antoine and Mary Justin were focused in the north of the island where the construction of a mini zoo at Union (that housed several parrots – including two returned to the island from the Jersey Zoo in the UK) enabled local people to see and appreciate the beauty of their National Bird.

The outreach program was a success. The parrot became the National Bird, the Wild Bird Protection Ordinance was repealed and replaced with the Wildlife Protection Act. The Forest, Soil and Water Conservation Ordinance was overhauled increasing penalties and giving Forestry staff greater powers. The Forestry Division moved into new offices at Union and became a department, interest in working with it increased and it attracted new talent. Its staff were trained, and it became the recipient of major funding from the Canadian Government. After Gabriel’s retirement, leadership of the Department fell first to Brian James, then Michael Andrew, Michael Bobb, Adams Toussaint and now Alfred Prospere.

The methodology used in Saint Lucia to build pride in a nation’s natural patrimony has since been replicated in over 400 sites in more than 50 countries to much acclaim. Its origins were in the Caribbean in general and Saint Lucia in particular.

Gabriel and the staff of the Forestry Department are my personal heroes. They have left a legacy they can be proud of and one which today’s Forestry staff continue to build on. I remember the late 1970’s and early 1980’s (Note: I left Forestry in 1988 and the island in 2001) with an affection that will remain with me until I die.

6 thoughts on “Saint Lucia Forestry Stories: Paul Butler “Environmental Education & the Forestry Division – The early days…”

  1. Portia Mogal

    Great read, thanks for sharing. Many familiar names of my childhood , hero’s who made a mark, a difference, thank you

  2. Bev Beasley

    Wow !
    That really did bring back great memories.
    Amazing work done by awesome people that has made SO much difference to educating us all.
    Thanks so much for that.
    Oh – and i still have a hand made card which i think was made by yourself.
    Did you make cards ‘By Krisart’ ?
    It was so lovely and totally unique, i couldn’t bring myself to deface it or to give it to anyone

    1. Chris Post author

      Thanks Bev for your comment…very much so! As for the card…hmmm, not sure, if it was of a bird or rainforest from St. Lucia, could be, but I go by Chris Cox Originals. If it is one of mine, maybe look at my art gallery on the menu bar.

  3. Chris Post author

    This article was shared on my Chris Cox Originals Facebook page at Here are some of the reactions posted by readers…

    Karl Sampson 13 May 2020
    I remember p butler doing his thing

    Scady Dotp 13 May 2020

    Didacus Jules 13 May 2020
    So happy to see Paul. His contribution to St. Lucia’s biodiversity has been phenomenal. Deepest appreciation Paul

    Carol James 13 May 2020
    Well deserved recognition of Paul’s foundational work. Thanks for sharing Christopher.

    Alwyn St Omer Sr. 13 May 2020
    Glad to have been part of this Chris. Paul and the late Coco Charles together were quite a formidable team. They were passionate about St Lucias biodiversity and the Bush Talk provided them a popular educational tool.

    Ronald Charles 13 May 2020
    I too can associate with the St. Lucia program conservation. I met Gabriel “Coco” Charles when he visited and on many occasions when I visited At. Lucia. Can still recall the mood in our office in Dominica when the news came that this pioneer of modern conservation in the OECS had gone his maker. The tears just did not drop.
    Dominica under Christopher Maximea.and later Felix Gregoire learned much from the work that St. Lucia was doing at a time when the word conservation meant little or even worst, a deterrent to development for the average man.
    Paul Butler came to Dominica from St. Lucia and replicated his brand of conservation education and awareness. I was privileged to be his local counterpart and what work we achieved criss-crossing the nature island with a message of hope in sustainable conservation.
    This message still resonates throughout Dominica. It is as fresh today as it was back in 1988-1989.
    Thanks Paul.

    Tom Ward 13 May 2020
    Paul demonstrated what a passion for your work can produce. He instilled a conservation ethic that has had a lasting effect in the eastern Carribean.

    Rosemary Joinville 14 May 2020
    I remember this so well

    Gaspard Michel Andrew 14 May 2020
    Paul was a mastermind in the Forestry Division at that time. He was the only one trained in conservation, and he had the ideal platform to demonstrate his knowledge with a willing and hard working staff and a passionate leader, in Mr. Coco Charles. Thank you Jacquot for making Forestry St. Lucia a leading agency for conservation in the Caribbean.

    Carla Müller-Bugdahn 8 August 2020
    This brings back lots of memories to me too! Thank Yoz for sharing this!

    Susan Wright 8 August 2020
    Wonderful memories!

  4. jerome cherry


    1. Chris Post author

      Hello Jerome,
      Thanks for your comment! I joined Forestry in August 1985 so we will have overlapped for some time. I will share your message with the forestry colleagues I remain in touch with including Paul. Stay well!

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