Chris Cox Originals

interesting resources

The following links feature interesting articles, publications and other media on St. Lucian and Caribbean wildlife and environment.  Post comments and other links you may think are of interest.

Reports and other documents

The  Plants of  Saint  Lucia by Roger Graveson

The Mammals of St. Lucia by Frank M. Clarke on behalf of the Gov’t of Saint Lucia

The Status and Management of St. Lucia’s Forest Reptiles and Amphibians by Jennifer Daltry on behalf of the Gov’t of Saint Lucia

Migrant Bird Records for Saint Lucia, West Indies by C. Lyndon John (2004)

Birds of Saint Lucia charts by Birds Caribbean and US Fish and Wildlife Service – Chart 1 and Chart 2

The Saint Lucia National Conservation Fund has an excellent Document Library that contains many useful conservation references including some of those listed above.

Multimedia, videos

Caribbean Cool movie (1991) on Caribbean Parrot conservation with Lou Gosset Jr. featuring Paul Butler Part 1 and Part 2

St. Lucia ecology, wildlife and the St. Lucia Parrot featuring Adams ‘Turbo’ Toussaint

Birds of St. Lucia short video posted by ‘mousebirdofengland’

St. Lucia boa constrictor video posted by ‘sommeil69’

St. Lucia Fer-de-Lance pit viper video posted by Kentucky Reptile Zoo

Conservation organizations

Saint Lucia National Trust (SLNT)

Saint Lucia National Conservation Fund (SLUNCF)

Caribbean Natural Resources Institute (CANARI)

Birds Caribbean

Jamaica Environment Trust (JET)

Trinidad & Tobago Field Naturalists’ Club

Environmental Awareness Group (EAG)

Asa Wright Nature Centre, Trinidad